Framing Finesse provides professional custom frames and custom framing in Atlanta. With over 26 years of experience helping people create beautiful custom frames to hang in their homes, businesses, and offices, Framing Finesse can help you too. Hunter Smith, an expert in the custom framing business, specializes in both metal and wood frames, as well as custom mats.
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You can reach Bubber in his shop at 770-423-9848 or on his cell phone 404-863-3336.
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Framing Finesse, an Atlanta based custom framing business, has low overhead, which allows you to get great custom framing at discounts of up to 50% over traditional custom frame shops. Framing Finesse is located in Kennesaw, Georgia just twenty minutes from Cumberland Mall.
Framing Finesse / Hunter Enterprises Get directions from Google Maps